
Due to the fact that it is high in protein, Baby Octopus is very nutritious, though its low in fat and calories. When properly prepared, Baby Octopus has a comparable texture to that of a lobster. Since Octopus does not ...

Octopus, as its name already predicts, has 8 tentacles. It is soft-bodied and is present in various oceans around the world. When prepared correctly, it has soft meat and a delicate taste. Furthermore this type of cephalopod contains lots of ...

Sepia, also known as cuttlefish, are mainly found in tropical coastal waters and is a very fast predator. They are definitely sustainable in terms of usage; consumed by human beings, as a source of ink and for its cuttlebone, a ...

Loligo is a type of squid and is known for its sweet taste and selenium. Selenium is a mineral that keeps the skin and hear healthy. Its meat has a firm texture, though is the most tendering one amongst all ...

Bartrami is also known as Neon Flying Squid and they feed themselves with fishes, crustaceans and other squids. It can be recognized by its pale body covered with brown pigments. This colorful species is available in various forms and can ...

Illex is a type of squid and is available in various forms. Amongst all squid species, they are the toughest in texture. Illex has a mild sweet taste and firm texture. Its color is white and they are very versatile ...

Todarodes is a type of squid and is available in various forms. Todarodes is also known as “Japanese Flying Squid”. Amongst all squid species, they are moderately tough, not as much as illex. Its taste is mild sweet.

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